Station Technical Issues

Station Technical Issues

November 15, 2023 Uncategorised 2

Two weeks ago we had a major issue with our radio transmitter. An important part called the combiner stopped functioning, and was even producing electrical arcing. The transmitter we have is somewhat new – we purchased it in 2015. It had a nice feature where we can power down just the part of the transmitter which had the problems, and run on lower power. As a result we have been running on about 20% power since that time.

We purchased the replacement parts, and today a radio engineer will be working to install them. As a result, you may notice a few minutes this afternoon when the station goes offline. Following that, if everything goes according to plan, we will be running for several hours using a small backup transmitter, which should provide a clear radio signal in Fargo, but for those of you outside of town, you may notice that you have significantly degraded signal or you may not be able to hear us at all.

In the best-case scenario, this should be resolved by this evening and we’ll be back online. However, there is a chance that this is a two-day job, meaning we’ll be running on extremely low-power using our backup transmitter through Thursday.

We will continue to be broadcasting using our mobile app, online at our website, and via our call-to-listen number. If you would like to help defray the costs of this expensive repair, you can send a check to Heaven 88.7 PO Box 107, Fargo, ND 58107, and put “transmitter” in the memo line.

2 Responses

  1. Greg Tollerud says:

    Hello, I am messaging for my 92 yr old mother who lives in Serenity Assisted Living in Dilworth, and has listened to your programming for many, many years and also supports you financially. Several weeks ago she experienced a loss of your broadcast on her small bathroom radio. Thinking it was a radio problem I purchased her a new one. Still no reception, so today I checked your website and see you are experiencing transmitter issues. Also noticed the date on the memo is November 15, which was almost two weeks ago. Could you tell me if those issues have been resolved yet, because she still is not receiving your programming? She starts every morning while getting ready for the day with Heaven 88.7 and really misses it.. Thank you.

    • Manager says:

      Hello Greg,
      We fixed the first issue, and encountered a second issue. We fixed that and encountered a third and fourth issue. Lord Willing these will be resolved in the current week, but it’s been a lot of work and quite expensive. However, the Lord will provide. God bless

      Station Manager Joshua Lindsey

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