Heaven 88.7 Status Update (10/2/24)

Heaven 88.7 Status Update (10/2/24)

September 2, 2024 Uncategorised 0

Last week we had professionals climb the tower, inspect the antennae, and test our feed line. Reports are in, and we have a few things in need of repair. The line is still working (praise the Lord!) However, we need a new compressor-dehydrator to keep the line pressurized, but the biggest expense is that the antennae is damaged beyond repair.

This is the same antennae that we have used since we went on air in 1997, and in fact 27 years is a good life for an antennae like that. It will take a little time to get the antennae manufactured (it is custom built for our frequency) and to remove the old one, and get the new one shipped and mounted.

Here’s our plans:

Currently, we are operating with the damaged antennae. Because it is damaged, a good deal of the power that is sent to it reflects back down the line, which can damage the transmitter. We are using a backup transmitter, and so we are operating right now at around 60 watts (quite a reduction from our normal 100,000 watts!)

Next week, we plan to have a 800 watt antenna mounted. This is a smaller, easier job to hold us over. At that point we will go to 800 watts. Then in the course of many weeks to a couple months we will do the rest of the work to get the new antennae and to have the old one removed, after which we will be back at full power.

We do not currently have money in the bank to make these repairs. Minimally, all of this will cost us $75,000, but likely it will be more. If the Lord leads, please consider sending a special gift for this time. We do not know if we will back at full power come our fall share-a-thon, but certainly we will be mentioning this major expense at that time as well.

You may donate online at KFBN.org, or mail a check to the following address

Heaven 88.7
PO Box 107
Fargo, ND 58107

Thank you for praying and giving, and we hope that if you can’t hear our signal right now that that will change in the near future.

Station Manager Joshua Lindsey

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